
Stephen Goffar
Dean, School of Physical Therapy
Phone: (210) 283-6951
Lisa McDougle
Assistant Dean, Academic Success and Student Affairs
Office Location: Saidoff Center, Room 2113
Phone: (210) 890-8557
Scott W. Shaffer
Associate Dean/Professor
Office Location: Saidoff Center, Room 2121
Phone: (210) 283-6938
Erika Salazar Alaniz
Assistant Professor
Office Location: Room: 1141
Phone: (210) 283-6942
Mona Bains
Associate Professor
Office Location: Room 1132
Phone: (210) 283-6928
Nathan Brown
Associate Professor
Office Location: Saidoff Center, Room 1105
Phone: (210) 283-6933
Marcie Campbell
Assistant Professor, Director of Research and Grants for the Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program
Phone: (210) 283-6957
Dailen Castillo
Assistant Professor and Academic Fieldwork Coordinator
Office Location: Office: 2113
Phone: (210) 832-2164
Monica S. Clark
Assistant Professor
Phone: (210) 283-6916
Amy Crocker
Associate Professor, Director of Social Accountability and Experiential Learning
Office Location: Saidoff Center, Room 22132
Phone: (210) 283-6911
Victoria De Leon
Phone: (210) 890-4351
Rebecca Dillen
Health Sciences Librarian
Office Location: Saidoff Center, Room 1134
Phone: (210) 283-6920
Alexandria Dominguez
Student Affairs Coordinator
Office Location: Saidoff Center, Room 2119
Phone: (210) 283-6477
Liliana Faz
Administrative Assistant
Phone: (210) 283-6939
Reid Fisher
MSAT Program Director
Office Location: Room 1170
Phone: (210) 890-4445
Brady Garza
Clinical Assistant Professor
Phone: (210) 283-6941
Kathy Goei
Associate Professor
Office Location: Saidoff Center, Room 1185
Phone: (210) 283-6956
Dustin Hardwick
Assistant Professor
Phone: 210-283-6416
Chad Jackson
DPT Program Director
Office Location: School of Physical Therapy Room 2111
Phone: (210) 283-6478
Debora Kaliski
Associate Professor
Office Location: School of Physical Therapy Room 1130
Phone: (210) 283-6931
Sarah Luna
Assistant Professor
Office Location: Room 1131
Phone: (210) 283-6962
Jessica Maxwell
Program Director and Assistant Professor
Phone: (210) 283-6949
Monica C. Mendez
Clinical Assistant Professor
Office Location: Room: 2105
Phone: (210) 283-2164
Jennifer Penn
Assistant Professor
Office Location: Saidoff Center, Room 1187
Phone: (210) 283-6958
Susan Smith
Associate Professor
Office Location: Room 2131
Phone: (210) 283-6913
Joanna Soles
Associate Professor Clinical Coordinator
Office Location: Room 1169
Phone: (210) 283-6905
Philip Van Dyke
Director of Sports Residency, Assistant Clinical Professor
Amy Wagner
Associate Professor
Office Location: Saidoff Center, Room 2104
Phone: (210) 283-6912
Matt Walk
Assistant Professor
Office Location: Saidoff Center, Room 1106
Phone: (210) 283-6934
Megan Ware
Assistant Professor
Office Location: Room 1168
Phone: (210) 283-6944
Amada Zacarias-Guerra
Administrative Assistant
Office Location: Saidoff Center, Room 2119
Phone: (210) 283-6948